
原创:找图网 2023-03-24
  • 我的爸爸英语作文插画应该画些什么

  • 最简单的话,可以画一个胡子(就是网上最常见的那一种)



  • 求翻译英语作文i like drawing

  • I have many hobbies, but I love painting. My father is a draw cartoons, so my dad always taught me drawing at home. I studied traditional Chinese painting, sketch, color, but my favorite is drawing cartoon. Some painting is difficult, more will be copy to just go. Sometimes finished his homework and very tired when the painting can make me become joy, so painting is very interesting. I hope I grow up to be a illustrator, put the book becomes more interesting. These are my computer work .

  • 请人翻译一篇英语作文(初三);中译英

  • One day, a policeman in the street after a thief faith. 2 then the thief hid himself into a room elevator, with the police. 3 the elevator to the fifteenth floor (should); attic is 4 the attic, the thief escaped from a ladder to climb down the elevator, the "top room" (that is, above the building a small attic similar cabin top), then the police after...

    < 上一篇 看书的素材 下一篇 > 作文集插画-小学作文集封面图片。急还有题目望各位大虾起个题目还有里面的插图

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